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Greatest collection
of freemasonry artifacts
in Northern and Eastern Europe

Riga Museum
of World Freemasonry

Modern exposition, developed
by famous creative
Engineering Bureau


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Support Us

We are starting a campaign to collect 150 000 euros for the final stage of the museum's construction. We have already gathered the largest collection in Eastern Europe, bought premises, created a project with one of the best museum design bureaus. The final stage is the construction of the exposition. This is why we need your help. Our supporters will receive a ticket to the museum, access to interactive resources and a document confirming their contribution to the construction of the museum. More information in our video. Be sure to check it out, we tried very hard.

About Us

Freemasonry museum in Riga will introduce residents and guests of Riga to the history of spiritual search, the formation of a humanistic community and the phenomenon of Freemasonry from its origins to the present. The museum shows geography of Freemasonry from from Great Britain and continental Western Europe to America and Russia.

  • show the development of Freemasonry from the guilds of masons, creators of the Renaissance, humanists to the first members of the first scientific societies;
  • talk about the role of Freemasonry in the social, political and cultural development of different countries;
  • cover the diverse activities of modern Masonic lodges;
  • create a new landmark in Riga.

Museum Space Layout


The opening room of the museum will show a graphic depiction of the development of symbolic Freemasonry, starting from the 17th century to nowadays.


The opening room of the museum will show a graphic depiction of the development of symbolic Freemasonry, starting from the 17th century to nowadays.

Hall “Famous Masons” will tell our visitors about the most prominent politicians, scientists and creators. The hall will show objects related to historical figures, for example, Count Cagliostro, U.S. presidents, French revolutionaries, famous writers and others.
Room of Reflections is a meditation chamber. It will let our visitors enjoy unusual for the city center silence surrounded by the ritual objects. Those objects are used in Freemasonry before initiation.
The space Freemasonry until 1717 will store the part of the collection that relates to the origins of the formation of Freemasonry. There are objects related to the figures of the Renaissance, humanism, the founders of modern science and at the same time the Masonic community.
The next room is a Ritual Room. It will be a multi-functional space. It will house a collection of antique Masonic aprons. The real Masonic works will be demonstrated on the big screens. The hall will be built in full compliance with the interiors of the “Masonic Temple” where the rituals are held.
Two halls The Origins and Structure of Masonic Orders represent the most artifact-rich space. This space will show basic Masonic degrees and rituals, but also objects associated with higher degrees. Also additional degrees will be presented. Our visitors will see Masonic signs and ritual objects from around the world, created and used over the past 300 years. A rich collection of Masonic documents will be available in this space.
The hall Criticism of Freemasonry will present historical evidence of the struggle against Freemasonry, as well as satirical publications of the fraternity itself. Antique engravings depicting Freemasons in a ridiculous light will coexist here with the anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic propaganda of Nazi Germany, and modern television production on conspiracy theories.

Objects From The Collection

Apron of Br. David Sermon

Apron of Br. David Sermon from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. 1800, Great Britain

Brass fireside trivet stand

Brass fireside trivet stand with The Most Noble Order of the Garter symbolics, surrounded by masonic symbols. Sunningdale, Berkshire.

Rudyard Kipling Lodge Constitution

Rudyard Kipling Lodge Constitution, original. 1921, France.

Leather Masonic apron of Matthew Visscher

Leather Masonic apron of Matthew Visscher (1751-1793), who on July 19, 1776 read the Declaration of Independence to the people of Albany, N.Y.

Manuscript of the Ritual of the Adoption Lodge

Manuscript of the Ritual of the Adoption Lodge. Second half of the 18th century, France.

Masonic medal of general Cockerill

Masonic medal of general Cockerill, Parliament member, deputy director of military intelligence and one of the founders of MI5.

Insignias of the 18th Degree

Insignias of the 18th Degree of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite or Fourth order (7th degree): Sovereign Rose-Cross Prince Of Grand Orient De France. 19th century, France

Diploma of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite

Diploma of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, signed by Harry Truman, President of the United States. 1944, USA.

Hogarth's cartoon

Hogarth's cartoon about a new movement within Freemasonry "Hormogons".

Secretary's inkwell

Secretary's inkwell, faience. 1817, France.

The Royal Arch Master's Apron

The Royal Arch Master's Apron. One of three known examples. 1814 - 1822, USA.

Apron of the Scotts Master Degree

Apron of the Scotts Master Degree. End of the 18th century, France.

A beaded bag for a Masonic apron

A beaded bag for a Masonic apron. Handmade. 19 century, Germany.

Royal Arch Jewel

Royal Arch Jewel. Early 19th century, Great Britain.

Sign of the past master mason

Sign of the past master mason. End of 19th century, Great Britain.

Masonic sign

Masonic sign from St. Lodge Matthew's lodge Nr. 497. 1790, Great Britain.

Masonic sign of  the Lodge Greenock

Masonic sign of the Lodge Greenock St. John’s Nr. 175. 118th century, Scotland.

Masonic sign

Masonic sign decorated with precious stones. The end of the 18th century, Great Britain.

Jewel of the master of the lodge

Jewel of the master of the lodge. Late 18th century, Great Britain.

Masonic sign of the Royal Union lodge

Masonic sign of the Royal Union lodge No.382 . The sign belonged to the architect C.J. Shoppee. 19th century, Great Britain.


Miniature. Mid 18th century, France.

A miniature created by French Masons

A miniature created by French Masons, prisoners of war, in London, early 19th century. Great Britain.

A miniature created by French Masons

A miniature created by French Masons, prisoners of war, in London, early 19th century. Great Britain.

Past master sing of the Grand Lodge

Past master sing of the Grand Lodge Nr.16. Presented to P.M. Hubbel. 1876, U.S.

Bijoux of the lodge

Bijoux of the lodge "Zum schützenden Thor" ["At the protective doors"]. First half of the 19th century, Warendorf, Prussia.

The sign of the lodge

The sign of the lodge working according to the Swedish ritual. Early 19th century.

Dagger of the knight Kadosh

Dagger of the knight Kadosh. 18 century. France.

Jewel of the great master

Jewel of the great master AF&AM in conjunction with the Order of High Priesthood jewel, Foster Lodge Nr 239, Butler Chapter Nr 106. USA.

Handcrafted Masonic badge

Handcrafted Masonic badge of the master of the Royal Arch J. Crook. 1801 year.

Creamware tankard

Creamware tankard. Late 18th century, probably Leeds, Lincolnshire, Great Britain.


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15/10/2024 11:30 on all platforms we collected

€ 24039
150 000 goal
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